global dimming


Global imming is the gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface that was observed for several decades after the start of systematic measurements in 1950s. The effect varies by location, but worldwide it has been estimated to be of the order of a 4% reduction over the three decades from 1960–1990. However, since 1990, the trend has reversed.

Tweets about global dimming

  • Global dimming during a partial solar eclipse! The lens flare shows the eclipse. Pic taken from around…
  • RT @PIPIL4LIFE: @Todd__S @HartReikiCURES @ChristyTkitty Search Cloud albedo enhancement via Aerosol injections, Aerosol Geoengineering and …
  • RT @HartReikiCURES: @firefighter8597 @ksteven37 Of course I see them sprayed with my own eyes like countless of others. Research Chemtrail…
  • @firefighter8597 @ksteven37 Of course I see them sprayed with my own eyes like countless of others. Research Chemtrails, global dimming
  • Global dimming during a partial solar eclipse! The lens flare shows the eclipse. Pic taken from San Jose, CA.
  • @KarolisValickas sveiki, angliškai vadinama "Global dimming",
  • Does the sunlight look different to you lately? I thought for the past two years it was getting hazier and...
  • Global dimming and runaway climate change (BBC)
  • @MarkDiStef @joshgnosis ISTR there was a global dimming effect from particulate pollution, but well... yeah...
  • @hum_anity @martinhume @OpChemtrails @GeoengWatch Chem-trails slow the decline into the coming Ice Age Rain decrease due to Global Dimming.
  • Global dimming in full effect at sunset! A sun halo was also seen thru the high clouds, or chemclouds.…
  • A chemtrail’s evolution within 10 minutes… Global dimming in full effect! Pics taken from around San…
  • RT @trutherbot: Global dimming is a reduction in sunlight reaching Earth's surface, almost certainly caused by air pollution.
  • Global dimming in full throttle especially by early sunset! Pics taken from around San Jose, CA around…
  • Global dimming in full effect at sunset! A sun halo was also seen thru the high clouds, or chemclouds.
  • Global dimming is a reduction in sunlight reaching Earth's surface, almost certainly caused by air pollution.
  • Just another chemtrailed kind of day over the Bay Area… Global dimming imminent indeed! Preventing…
  • @KenMeyr @RunwayGirl @ferdepablos Search 'global dimming' and 9/11 = sort of pollution I mean - no longer see them as 'beautiful'..